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"The Mayor of Omashu"

This is an AMV I made for Avatar: The Last Airbender in April 2006. I used the song "Walk & Chew Gum" by Optiganally Yours, from the Powerpuff Girls "Heroes & Villains" CD. It's the first AMV I ever made, so it's certainly not my best work, but it was fun. The basic concept was to compare Bumi, the King of Omashu from "Avatar," to the Mayor of Townsville from "Powerpuff Girls." (I may have had some vague notion of comparing Aang, Sokka, and Katara to Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup, but I never did anything with that idea. Maybe because I couldn't figure out which should be which, or maybe because there weren't really any good scenes that would work, or maybe because I was already intimidated just learning how to make an AMV by doing, with no instruction or anything. Probably it was a combination of those reasons. Or maybe I was just lazy and untalented.)

At the time that I made the vid, I just called it by the song's title, though now that I'm uploading it to my site all these years later, I decided to call it "The Mayor of Omashu," since I had previously given many of my later vids titles that were specific to the vids, rather than just the song that was used. (I may have to think about renaming any other vids I didn't give specific titles.) Anyway, when I originally made this, it never even occurred to me to give it a closing title card, or anything. So at the end, it just... stopped. But sometime later (maybe even years later) I must have added in a card at the end, because there's one there now. I don't really remember doing that, but hey... I guess it's kind of nice that I did. *shrug*

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