So... I've always loved to read, though I am rather a slow reader, and I usually I don't even pick up whatever book I'm currently reading, as often as I wish I would. And I didn't start writing reviews here until like 2009, so there are countless books I've read throughout my life, but haven't reviewed. (For a partial listing, see my nostalgia page, for things I read when I was a kid; and my books I've read before pages, for things I read as a teenager and young adult.) I must say, it causes me mild distress to think how many books I've read that I'm going to completely forget to include on any of these pages, and to think... that I don't even have a ballpark estimate of what the actual number of books I've forgotten might be. But hey, I've got plenty of much better things to be distressed about, so I guess it's not a big deal.
dystopian & post-apocalyptic fiction
nonfiction (and semi-fiction)
short stories (uncollected)
OMG, there are like so many genres and subgenres of writing! And so much overlap between them! And so much uncertainty and disagreement about what to call things! So, whatever. I make my best guesses on the things I haven't read yet, but that's always subject to change. (Even things I have read, I'm not always comfortable with the categorization choices I make.) I do try to take some cues from other websites, especially Wikipedia, but I don't necessarily always agree with what other sites say about genre. (Not that my opinion is better than anyone else's. In fact, it's probably not nearly as reliable, because I'm no expert. I just call 'em like I see 'em.) Anyway, I may add some categories to the list I've got here already. Which could mean moving some things around. (Like, I really think I'll probably eventually get around to making a "science fantasy" category, which would entail moving some things out of both the "fantasy" and "science fiction" categories. But there's no telling when that might happen.)
For now... as I said... I've done my best.
Reviews may contain links to various sites, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble (B&N), Goodreads, The Internet Speculative Fiction Database (isfdb), Scholastic, The StoryGraph, The Templeton Gate, TV Tropes, Wikia (now Fandom), Wikipedia, and sometimes author or publisher websites. In rare cases I may even include links to fansites, but I'm sure there are countless websites, both fan-made and professional review/reference/shopping/whatever kind of sites, to which I don't include links. I therefore encourage you to google any title or author that sounds interesting to you.
See also tek's links: writers