story collections I've read before
anthologies * dystopia/apocalypse * fantasy * humor * literary realism * nonfiction * nostalgia * philosophy/religion * science fiction

These are books I read before I ever started writing reviews for my website. Maybe eventually I'll reread some of them and write proper reviews, but probably not all of them. But I still want to at least mention as many books that I've read as I can recall.

Azazel, by Isaac Asimov (pub. 1988)
Amazon; B&N; Goodreads; StoryGraph; Wikipedia

Azazel is a tiny demon who appeared in numerous short stories originally published between 1980 and 1994, apparently (though Asimov died in 1992). I remember getting a collection of Azazel stories at some point, either in high school or sometime prior to that. I don't know that it was this collection; in fact I think it was probably a smaller one with only a fraction of the stories included in this one, though I could be wrong about that. Anyway, even this one doesn't have all the stories, because some weren't written until after the book was published. And I don't remember anything specific about any of the stories, but I might like to read them again someday (as well as any I've never read). I have no idea what became of the book I had, but it seems to be gone. Oh well.

City, by Clifford D. Simak (pub. 1952)
Amazon; B&N; Goodreads; StoryGraph; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This was one of four books I once got in a grab bag I ordered from the Science Fiction Book Club. I don't remember much of anything about it now, but I think I found it vaguely interesting, but it wasn't something I was wild about. Still, it's quite possible that if I reread it now, I'd like it more than I did the first time.

The Complete Stories, vols. 1 & 2, by Isaac Asimov (pub. 1990 & 92)
Amazon (vol. 1); Amazon (vol. 2); B&N (vol. 1); B&N (vol. 2); Goodreads (vol. 1); Goodreads (vol. 2); StoryGraph (vol. 1); StoryGraph (vol.2); Wikipedia

Two rather large collections of Asimov's short stories, though they don't contain all his stories. Anyway, I'm sure there were some stories in these books that I quite liked ("The Immortal Bard" is one of my all-time favorite stories by anyone), but most of them I don't remember. I'm sure I'll reread the books, someday. And I should probably look into maybe obtaining other collections that might contain stories that aren't included here.

Dinosaur Fantastic (pub. 1993)
Amazon; B&N; Goodreads; StoryGraph

One of the numerous books I think might have been in the grab bag I once ordered from the Science Fiction Book Club, but which I think is much more likely I specifically ordered itself. Anyway, it's a collection of stories by various authors, all at least tangentially related to dinosaurs. And I believe the stories were all written specifically for this collection. It contains the story Evolving Conspiracy, by Roger MacBride Allen, which turned out to be possibly my favorite short story ever. That's the only story I specifically remember from the collection, but the others were probably good, too. I'll probably get around to rereading this, someday.

The Further Adventures of the Joker (pub. 1990)
Amazon; B&N; Goodreads; StoryGraph; Wikipedia

This is actually the second installment in a series that started with "The Further Adventures of Batman," which I also have. But I don't recall which one I got first. And I'm not entirely certain I've read the Batman one, but I probably did. Both are collections of short stories by various writers. I'm afraid I don't remember any of the stories at all, nor do I recall whether or not I liked this book much. But I thought I should mention it, anyway.

The Time Patrol, by Poul Anderson (pub. 1955-91)
Amazon; B&N; Goodreads; StoryGraph; TV Tropes

The book I have was published in 1991, and is a collection of nine stories Anderson had originally published separately, I guess. I also have a book called The Shield of Time, published in 1990, which is the tenth entry in the series. It appears there's another story from 1995, which I have never read, unfortunately. So... these books are basically about a big temporal war. I must have read them sometime in the 90s, and I'm sure I really liked them, so I'll probably reread them someday.

story collections index

anthologies * dystopia/apocalypse * fantasy * humor * literary realism * nonfiction * nostalgia * philosophy/religion * science fiction