tek's rating: ¾

Shanghai Knights (PG-13)
Disney Wiki; IMDb; Rotten Tomatoes; TV Tropes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Google Play; Hulu; Movies Anywhere; Vudu; YouTube

This is the sequel to Shanghai Noon. It came out in 2003, and I honestly don't remember if I ever saw it before 2024, but I rather doubt it. I guess I liked it more than the first movie, but I couldn't really say why. I mean, mostly what I like about this movie is that the fight scenes are so cleverly choreographed and often amusing, but that was true of the first movie, too. I particularly liked one scene where Chon uses an umbrella and the background music is the tune of "Singin' in the Rain". There was also a really great sword fight between Chon and Rathbone. And I enjoyed the anachronistic music that was used at some points in the movie. The humor was mostly just okay. The plot was okay. The use of certain historical figures was kind of fun. And... I really don't know what else to say, so I'll get to the plot.

It starts in 1887, in the Forbidden City. British lord Nelson Rathbone leads a group of Boxers to kill Chon Wang's father, and steal the Imperial Seal which he was guarding. Chon's sister, Lin (who is quite the martial arts badass) tries to stop them, but fails. Before her father dies, he gives her a puzzle box to send to her brother, who is now a sheriff in Carson City, Nevada. When he learns that his father has died, he gives up his job to go find Lin, who has followed the killer to London. But first, he goes to New York City to ask Roy for his share of the gold they had acquired in the first movie. But Roy doesn't have the gold anymore. So, they stow away on a ship going to London.

In London, Roy's pocket watch is stolen by a boy whose name we don't learn until near the end of the movie, so I won't reveal it. Roy and Chon chase the boy, who is stopped by a gang. Chon ends up fighting the gang, and he and Roy are subsequently taken to Scotland Yard, where they meet Inspector Artie Doyle. He takes them to see Lin, who has been jailed because she tried to kill Lord Rathbone. Roy is immediately attracted to Lin, and it seems to be reciprocated. Roy and Chon attempt to find the Imperial Seal, but I don't want to say too much about that. I will say that Lin manages to escape from jail and join them, however. They learn that Rathbone (who is 10th in line for the throne of England) is working with Wu Chow, the illegitimate brother of the Emperor of China. Their plan is to make Wu Chow the emperor and Rathbone the king (by using a prototype machine gun to kill the queen and all the people who are ahead of Rathbone in line for the throne). So of course, Chon, Roy, Lin, and Artie all try to thwart the scheme.

And yeah, that's pretty much all I want to say about the plot. It's mostly a ridiculous movie, but not so much that I'd actually call it redonkulous. And it's fun.

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