movies I want to see: family
Note: I may change which category I choose for my reviews after I've seen these movies. For now, I'm making my best guesses.
action/adventure / action comedy / animated / anime / B-movies / CGI / classics / comedy / coming-of-age / comix / crime / DC / disaster / documentaries /
drama / dystopian / family / fantasy / film noir / giant monsters / Halloween / holiday / law / martial arts / musicals / mystery / period / romantic / rom-com /
scary / sci-fi / Scooby-Doo / serio-comedy / short / spies / sports / supernatural / surf / teen / thrillers / true story / video games / war / weird / westerns

See also family horror

101 Dalmatians (1996)

The Adventures of Milo and Otis

The Apple Dumpling Gang
I've seen this and probably the sequel. I need to see them both again.

Babe (Break Room of Geeks)
I should try to see this someday just to alleviate the guilt I feel over occasionally saying "That'll do pig, that'll do," in spite of having never seen the movie.

There have been several films about Benji, and I must have seen at least one of them, though I'm not sure which one(s). I don't really remember anything about the plot(s), but someday I might like to check out all the movies, and I suppose I should start with this one.

The Black Stallion (Criterion)

Blank Check
I saw this once, and I don't think I was all that into it. I'm ambivalent about seeing it again, but I would kind of like to write a review.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Free Willy
I saw this once. I probably wasn't wild about it, but I wouldn't mind seeing it again, just to write a review.

Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain

The Great Yokai War (Dread Central)

The Jungle Book (1994)

The Jungle Book (2016)

The Kid Who Would Be King


The Secret of Roan Inish (Council of Geeks)

Small Soldiers (Amblin)
I don't remember if I ever saw this or not.

Snowball Express
I think I might have seen this once, but I never would have remembered it even existed if I hadn't seen the title on a list of children's films, on Wikipedia.

Stuart Little

That Darn Cat (1997)
Saw this once. It wasn't great, but I liked Christina Ricci in it. Reckon I wouldn't mind seeing it again sometime.

Tom and Huck

The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep

family index

Note: I may change which category I choose for my reviews after I've seen these movies. For now, I'm making my best guesses.
action/adventure / action comedy / animated / anime / B-movies / CGI / classics / comedy / coming-of-age / comix / crime / DC / disaster / documentaries /
drama / dystopian / family / fantasy / film noir / giant monsters / Halloween / holiday / law / martial arts / musicals / mystery / period / romantic / rom-com /
scary / sci-fi / Scooby-Doo / serio-comedy / short / spies / sports / supernatural / surf / teen / thrillers / true story / video games / war / weird / westerns