tek's rating:

The TiVo (9:15)
arieScope; IMDb; Vimeo; YouTube

ArieScope's website says this is from 2008 and IMDb says 2009. I tend to believe the former. I'm writing this review in 2022, when I have decided to watch a bunch of arieScope Halloween short films from over the decades. I guess this was their tenth short, but it's the first one I felt like reviewing. And I feel like I saw it before, though if I did, I can't recall when or where. (Maybe it was on the Halloween Short Films blog, though the video isn't appearing there now, for some reason.)

Anyway, there's this guy who gets TiVo, which isn't just on his TV, it's also... the mascot is personified... and does all kinds of things for him that have nothing to do with TV. But the TiVo gets jealous of his cat, and later of the woman he brings home on Halloween night. That's all I want to say about the plot. The whole thing is redonkulous, but amusing.

Halloween shorts index

ArieScope Halloween short films

1. Columbus Day Weekend / 2. Stagefright / 3. Oh, Sherrie / 4. Steven's Room / 5. The Real World Hollywood
6. Midnight / 7. Trick or Treat / 8. King in the Box / 9. The Tiffany Problem / 10. The TiVo
11. Jack Chop / 12. Just Take One / 13. Downloading and You / 14. Driving Lessons / 15. Halloween Hugs
16. Happy Halloween / 17. Monster Problems / 18. Don't Do It / 19. A Holliston Halloween / 20. The Intervention
21. Pumpkin Dick / 22. Full Size / 23. Ghost Dog / 24. Halloween Costume Cruelty / 25. Halloween Socks