tek's rating:

Trick or Treat (9:29)
Disney Wiki; IMDb; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Disney+

A 1952 animated short, which I must have first seen in the 80s as part of a Disney Halloween special. Huey, Dewey, and Louie are trick-or-treating, and stop at their uncle Donald's house. Instead of giving them treats, he puts fire crackers in their sacks, then douses them with water. A witch named Hazel sees this, and then conspires with the boys to get back at Donald. It's all fairly amusing, but I don't suppose there's much else to say about it. Except that the cartoon inspired the creation of the Looney Tunes character Witch Hazel, which used the same voice actress as the Witch Hazel from this cartoon. Oh, also I should say there was a scene where Hazel was obviously quoting the witches from "Macbeth," then she says the spell she's casting is straight out of Shakespeare. I liked that.

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