Little Children (R)
IMDb; Rotten Tomatoes; TV Tropes; Warner Bros.; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Google Play; iTunes; Movies Anywhere; Vudu; YouTube
This is one of those movies that I watched on DVD, thought was okay, but just didn't feel any motivation to bother writing a review. Then some time later, I vaguely regretted that. I probably would have rated it higher than "meh" when I watched it, but not much higher. And now I don't remember it clearly and don't care about it. But I still felt like I should mention it, here. I won't say much of anything about the plot, but hey, at least there are some links, so you can check out other sites, if you want.
So... it had a decent cast, including Kate Winslet, Jennifer Connelly, Patrick Wilson, and Jackie Earle Haley. Winslet plays a woman named Sarah, who's married to a guy named Richard. Wilson plays a man named Brad, who's married to a woman named Kathy (Connelly). Sarah and Brad are both unhappy in their marriages and their lives in general, and they end up having an affair together. Haley plays a guy named Ronnie, a known sex offender (indecent exposure to a minor), who recently got out of prison. He's trying to just live his life, but the community harasses him (particularly Brad's friend Larry). That's pretty much all I remember about the plot (and I wouldn't have remembered the names of any characters without looking online). It wasn't a bad story, I guess, but the whole thing was pretty depressing. And I dunno what else to say.