Millennium (PG-13); IMDb; Rotten Tomatoes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: none that I know of.
Well, this movie sort of reminded me of Freejack, even though it came out a few years before that movie. I saw them both over a decade later for the first time, and I saw Freejack first. Anyway, this was probably a better movie than that one, but it's hard for me to tell. I had higher expectations for this one. I thought it was okay, but it's not something I feel the need to see again. I found it sort of boring. This guy named Bill Smith is inspecting the wreckage of a plane crash, and there's this woman named Louise Baltimore, who is from like 1000 years in the future. They meet and stuff. The human race is dying out in the future, no one can have children anymore, so they take people out of the past who are about to die. But there's this big concern about creating paradoxes by changing the past. I don't want to really spoil anything about the movie if you haven't seen it, so I can't think what else to say... but I probably couldn't think of anything else, in any event....