movies I want to see: mysteries
Note: I may change which category I choose for my reviews after I've seen these movies. For now, I'm making my best guesses.
action/adventure / action comedy / animated / anime / B-movies / CGI / classics / comedy / coming-of-age / comix / crime / DC / disaster / documentaries /
drama / dystopian / family / fantasy / film noir / giant monsters / Halloween / holiday / law / martial arts / musicals / mystery / period / romantic / rom-com /
scary / sci-fi / Scooby-Doo / serio-comedy / short / spies / sports / supernatural / surf / teen / thrillers / true story / video games / war / weird / westerns

And Then There Were None

Crooked House

Every Secret Thing

Exit to Eden

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Never saw it. But I should, so I can compare it to the Swedish original. (And while I'm at it, I need to see the second and third Swedish films, but first I need to read the second and third books on which they're based.)

Manhattan Murder Mystery

Mr Holmes (Great but Forgotten)

Murder, She Said

Mystic River

The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (Baker Street Wiki)

See How They Run

The Thin Man

True Crime
I think I saw this once. I might not mind seeing it again.

Who's Harry Crumb? (Mill Creek Entertainment)
Saw this once. Wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Young Sherlock Holmes (Amblin; Baker Street Wiki)

Zero Effect (A.V. club)

mysteries index

Note: I may change which category I choose for my reviews after I've seen these movies. For now, I'm making my best guesses.
action/adventure / action comedy / animated / anime / B-movies / CGI / classics / comedy / coming-of-age / comix / crime / DC / disaster / documentaries /
drama / dystopian / family / fantasy / film noir / giant monsters / Halloween / holiday / law / martial arts / musicals / mystery / period / romantic / rom-com /
scary / sci-fi / Scooby-Doo / serio-comedy / short / spies / sports / supernatural / surf / teen / thrillers / true story / video games / war / weird / westerns