movies I want to see: rom-coms
Note: I may change which category I choose for my reviews after I've seen these movies. For now, I'm making my best guesses.
action/adventure / action comedy / animated / anime / B-movies / CGI / classics / comedy / coming-of-age / comix / crime / DC / disaster / documentaries /
drama / dystopian / family / fantasy / film noir / giant monsters / Halloween / holiday / law / martial arts / musicals / mystery / period / romantic / rom-com /
scary / sci-fi / Scooby-Doo / serio-comedy / short / spies / sports / supernatural / surf / teen / thrillers / true story / video games / war / weird / westerns

As Good as It Gets


Blast from the Past
Saw this once. Might wanna see it again.

Bridget Jones's Baby

The Butcher's Wife

Chances Are
I saw this on TV once. I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Coming to America
Saw this once. I suppose I should see it again sometime.

I think I saw this on TV once, and kind of liked it. So I should check it out again someday.

I.Q. (Great but Forgotten)
I saw this one time. Wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Moonstruck (Criterion)

Much Ado About Nothing (2012)

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

Roxanne (Great but Forgotten; Mill Creek Entertainment)
Saw this on TV once. I don't remember whether I liked it or not, but I wouldn't mind seeing it again sometime.


While You Were Sleeping

rom-com index

Note: I may change which category I choose for my reviews after I've seen these movies. For now, I'm making my best guesses.
action/adventure / action comedy / animated / anime / B-movies / CGI / classics / comedy / coming-of-age / comix / crime / DC / disaster / documentaries /
drama / dystopian / family / fantasy / film noir / giant monsters / Halloween / holiday / law / martial arts / musicals / mystery / period / romantic / rom-com /
scary / sci-fi / Scooby-Doo / serio-comedy / short / spies / sports / supernatural / surf / teen / thrillers / true story / video games / war / weird / westerns