tek's rating: ¼

Everything, Everything (PG-13)
IMDb; RatPac Entertainment; Rotten Tomatoes; TV Tropes; Warner Bros.; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Google Play; iTunes; Movies Anywhere; Vudu; YouTube

This is based on a book I haven't read. It's about an 18-year-old girl named Maddy, who suffers from severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). Because of this she has spent virtually her whole life in her hermetically sealed, sterile house, unable ever to go outside. The only people she ever gets to see in person are her mother, Dr. Pauline Whittier (Anika Noni Rose), her nurse, Carla, and Carla's daughter (whom we don't see much of in the movie). One day a boy named Olly Bright moves in next door, and he and Maddy begin texting each other. Over time, they fall in love, and want to be together, but obviously they can't. Or can they? The two of them take some risks that I found foolhardy, which somewhat distracted me from the romantic story. Still, I did like them as a couple. And I don't want to spoil any more details of the plot, but I will say there's a shocking, and rather disturbing, plot twist near the end of the movie.

Overall, I liked the movie and the two main characters. But it's not something I could feel super enthusiastic about. It's basically a good story, but it has some issues.

romantic index