tek's rating:

Slotherhouse (PG-13)
Gravitas Ventures; IMDb; official website; Rotten Tomatoes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Google Play; Hulu; Vudu; YouTube

This is a comedy horror, emphasis on the comedy. Actually, most of the humor comes from the sloth (which is also where the horror comes from). Anything not directly related to the sloth almost plays out as "normal". But the absolute redonkulousness of the sloth (which is obviously intentional) really hits my sweet spot for comedy. (Well, one of my sweet spots.) I can totally understand the humor not being to everyone's taste, and this isn't a movie I could really call "good", but I will say it absolutely accomplishes what it sets out to do.

So, this college girl nemed Emily adopts a poached sloth to be her sorority's mascot. This gains her a lot of popularity, and she decides to run for president of the sorority, against the reigning president, Brianna. She names the sloth Alpha, and it soon starts killing people, in secret. People notice that people are going missing, but I don't understand how they never discover any bodies, unless Alpha is somehow hiding them. Which I wouldn't put it past her, considering all the other things she does, like use a computer, take selfies with a phone, and even drive a car. Yeah, it's absolutely bonkers, and I love it (but not enough to rate the movie itself as "loved"). I'm not really sure what else to say, but there is a mid-credits scene that's kinda fun, I guess.

comedy horror index