tek's rating:

Hawaiian Holiday (8:20)
Disney Wiki; IMDb; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Disney+; YouTube

This came out in 1937, and I'm writing my review after watching it on DVD in 2024. Some of the things that happen in the short seem vaguely familiar, so I probably saw it at some point in my youth, but it's not something I really remembered. It's worth noting that at the time this came out, Hawaii was a U.S. territory, but wouldn't become a state for another 22 years. Anyway, I guess I liked the short just barely well enough to give it its own page. I considered putting it on my "other Disney shorts" page, and I'm not really sure I like it more than any of the other shorts on that page, but I might. Kind of.

So, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, and Pluto are on vacation in Hawaii. (Donald and Goofy both sing the line "on the beach at Waikiki". I don't know if they were necessarily actually at Waikiki, but they were certainly on a beach.) Mickey and Donald play instruments that both just looked like guitars to me, but apparently Mikey was playing slide guitar and Donald was playing a ukulele, while Minnie does a hula dance. A little bit later, Donald does a hula dance while Minnie plays the ukulele. Meanwhile, Goofy tries to surf, but the water seems to consciously frustrate his attempts. At one point, Pluto chases a starfish, and later he chases a crab. And, you know, more stuff happens, but I don't want to spoil every single detail. I don't think I found any part of the short particularly funny (nor particularly unfunny), but I still kinda dug the overall vibe.

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