tek's rating: ½

Thru the Mirror (8:47)
Disney Wiki; IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Disney+

This came out in 1936. I don't remember whether I saw it before I watched it on DVD in 2024, but it didn't seem entirely unfamiliar, I guess. Mickey is asleep in bed, having been reading "Alice Through the Looking Glass". His dream-self emerges from his body, and steps through a mirror, into a room where all the furniture and things are alive. He has a lot of fun playing and dancing, until the King of Hearts from a deck of cards gets angry at him for dancing with the Queen of Hearts, and sends a whole army of cards to chase him. There's not much more I could say specifically about the plot, it's all pretty random (which is appropriate for it being a Lewis Carroll-inspired story). There are some amusing sight gags and such. All in all, it's a reasonably fun short.

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