tek's rating:

The Bloody Olive (10:25)
Films Short; IMDb; Short of the Week; shortfil.ms; TV Tropes; Vimeo; YouTube

This a Belgian short, with both French and English subtitles. (The spoken language is Dutch.) It came out in 1997 (or '96?), but I first saw it in 2022. It's in black & white, done in the style of an old film noir, but it's really funny. It's based on a French comic strip I've never heard of. It's set at Christmas, though I don't think that's important, so I won't list it under Christmas short films, just comedy. A couple named Werner and Mylene are preparing for Christmas dinner, when Werner's coworker, Sam, shows up. Soon after that, the killing starts. And... that's all I want to say, because I don't want to spoil any specifics. But it's just bonkers. And awesome.

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