tek's rating: ¼

OverKill (14:57)
Alex Montilla; Directors Notes; IMDb; official website; Vimeo; YouTube

It's your basic 80s slasher film, but obviously set in the present, because the characters are woke, which is played for laughs. I didn't really like that about the film, because it feels kind of like it's making fun of something I take seriously. But whatever, that's a minor aspect of it. Anyway, there are two girls and three guys camping in the woods, when another guy shows up and warns them that he saw a killer in a mask, but they don't take him seriously. He leaves, and we don't see him again. But eventually the killer shows up and starts, you know, killing people. One final girl runs to a nearby house (I don't know if one of the people lives there or they were all renting the place or what) and calls 9-1-1, but doesn't receive any help. So she has to face the killer herself... but he just won't die, no matter what she does to him. Anyway, I guess it's kind of amusing, but I've seen similar comedy horror shorts before, probably better than this one. But this was okay, too.

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