tek's rating: ¼

Dug Days: Carl's Date (theatrical; 8:44)
IMDb; Pixar; Pixar Wiki; TV Tropes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Disney+

This 2023 short film is based on the 2009 movie Up. It was originally supposed to be released as a new episode of the 2021 webseries Dug Days, but was delayed a few months and instead released theatrically with Elemental. It is available on the DVD & Blu-ray of that movie.

Carl Fredricksen (Ed Asner, in one of his final roles before his death) is trying to teach his dog, Dug, a trick, when he gets a phone call from a woman named Ms. Meyers. She has adopted one of the dogs from the movie, Alpha (now called Beta), who wants to talk to Dug. We hear Beta on the phone, but for some reason we don't hear Ms. Meyers when she speaks to Carl, we just hear him responding to her. She asks him out on a date, and he says yes. Then as soon as he hangs up, he regrets it. Dug gives him some advice, which for the most part is only applicable to dogs' relationships with other dogs. And eventually we see Carl and Dug leave the house to go on the date, but we never see Ms. Meyers or the date itself. It's a fairly cute and charming short film, which I liked more than "Dug Days" but a lot less than "Up". And I don't know what else to say.

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