tek's rating: ¼

Inner Workings (6:26)
Disney Wiki; IMDb; TV Tropes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Disney+; Google Play; iTunes; YouTube

This was released in theaters in 2016, along with Moana. I first saw it as a bonus feature when I got "Moana" on DVD in 2018. It doesn't really have any dialogue, but it's easy to follow the story. Basically, we see a man's various internal organs directing all of his actions from the time he wakes up in the morning. Mostly, it's a struggle between his brain and his heart to decide what he's going to do at any moment. And there's a running gag wherein his brain always shows him scenarios ending in his death if he follows his heart. But eventually, after a tedious morning at his office job, he has a sudden realization about what will happen if he constantly follows his brain and never his heart, and it makes for a neat twist on the running gag. So on his lunch hour, his brain gives his heart free rein to do what he really wants, which ultimately makes his work less tedious.

So... it's a clever short, and amusing, and kind of touching. Not a particularly revolutionary story or insight, but it's fun, well worth the watch.

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