tek's rating: ¼

Piper (theatrical; 6:02)
Films Short; IMDb; Pixar; Pixar Wiki; TV Tropes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Disney+; Google Play; iTunes; Vudu; YouTube

This played in theaters before Finding Dory (to which the short is not related). It's available on the DVD and Blu-ray releases of that movie, as well as the Pixar Short Films Collection, volume 3. It's about an adorable baby sandpiper, whose first attempt to search for food on the ocean shoreline leaves it drenched, bedraggled, and terrified of the water. Over time, it gradually learns to overcome its fear, with the help of a tiny hermit crab. It's a cute and amusing story, definitely the most "d'awww"-inducing Pixar short I've seen to date. And the animation is beautiful.

Pixar shorts index
CGI shorts index

Pixar Short Films Collection 3
Disney Movies; Pixar Wiki; Wikipedia
Amazon; iTunes; Movies Anywhere; Vudu; YouTube

Bao * Lou * Piper * Sanjay's Super Team * Riley's First Date? * Lava * The Radiator Springs 500 ½ *
Party Central * The Blue Umbrella * The Legend of Mor'du * Partysaurus Rex