tek's rating: ½

The Portal (13:46)
IMDb; Wikipedia; YouTube

This Canadian short film was released in March 2014, but I didn't see it until October 2017. In fact I probably first heard of it in March 2016, but then I just bookmarked the Wikipedia page about it and somehow didn't get around to watching it for over a year. I think I learned of its existence because Geek & Sundry picked up the webseries, "Riftworld Chronicles," which spun off of the short film. Anyway, now that I've finally watched the film, I should try to get around to watching the webseries in the near future. I hope.

Tahmoh Penikett plays a wizard named Alar, who travels between dimensions. At the start of the film, he arrives in our world, by mistake. By the time he realizes he's in the wrong place, the portal he had opened between dimensions closes, and he discovers that his magic doesn't work here. He soon finds a travel agency called "Another World Travel," which he assumes is run by wizards who could send him back home. He meets a travel agent named Kim (Erin Karpluk), who isn't sure what to make of him. (Is he crazy? Is this a practical joke? Is he selling something? Is he a strip-o-gram?) Anyway... I don't want to say any more about the plot, because anything else would be spoilers. But it's rather amusing, and I'm glad I finally watched it.

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