tek's rating: ¼

Café at the Crossroads (10:45)
Dread Central; Vimeo

A man is walking through a post-apocalyptic world with a red sky. He enters a cafe, where there are just four people; three patrons and a waitress. We soon learn that some kind of plague had turned just about everyone in the world into crazy, self-mutilating zombies. Or whatever. The current occupants of this cafe are apparently the last people on Earth. Beyond that, I can't really say anything without spoiling the ending. So I'll just say... the film itself is just sort of okay, but the premise, the idea behind the film... I find that rather intriguing. It sort of touches on something I've occasionally thought about before, but adds an element I've thought about less, if at all. The film leaves me wishing to explore the premise in greater detail, so it's kind of frustrating that I can't. Alas.

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