tek's rating: ¾

Point of View (8:11)
Dust; IMDb; Justin Harding; Vimeo; YouTube

This 2015 short film was presented by Alter in 2019.

A coroner is working late one night at the morgue. A security guard acts like an asshole. A corpse starts following the coroner around, but we only ever see her standing still. She only moves when the coroner can't see her, whether because she's looking away or blinks or the lights go out or whatever. The concept is basically exactly the same as the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who, but with a corpse instead of statues. So I guess it's kind of even scarier than the Weeping Angels, but I have to dock points for lack of originality. I'd probably rate the short slightly higher if not for Doctor Who. But I liked the ending, especially the music.

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