tek's rating: ¾

A Father's Day (9:52)
Dust; IMDb; Leapling Films; Mat Johns; Short of the Week; Vimeo; YouTube

This 2016 short film was presented by Alter in 2019, but I first saw it elsewhere, probably through Short of the Week.

Well, I guess this is technically horror, since it's about zombies. But it's actually a fairly sweet, sentimental story, despite the lack of dialogue. It begins with a girl zombie coming upon a pack of adult zombies feasting on a human carcass. She tries to join in, but the others won't let her. Until one of them looks up, and he apparently recognizes her. We can assume from the film's title that he is her father. So, he tries to provide for her, and they begin shambling off together. Aside from finding her human flesh to eat, he does some more normal fatherly things. And um... other than that, I don't really want to give anything away. It's really not much of a story, but... I reckon there are worse ways to spend ten minutes of your time than watching this. I mean, it really is sweet. In its own way.

zombie index