tek's rating: sub-meh

Zombie Town (PG-13)
IMDb; Rotten Tomatoes; Toonz Entertainment; Trimuse Entertainment; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Google Play; Hulu; Vudu; YouTube

There's a town called Carverville, which had been renamed after a famous zombie movie director named Len Carver (Dan Aykroyd). In 2023, it's been thirty years since he stopped making movies, but a new one called "Zombie Town" is going to be released on Halloween, and almost everyone in town is excited about the premiere. Everyone except a teenager named Mike Broadstreet, who hates horror movies, but works at the town's movie theater, which is run by a guy named Richard Landro, an old friend of Carver's. Mike's friend Amy, however, is eager to see the film. So when Mike invites her to the theater after closing time, she convinces him to play the movie for her one night early. The movie turns out to be just a blank white screen, but it causes an explosion that turns almost everyone in town into soul-sucking zombies. Mike and Amy were protected by the movie reel's canister, and Carver himself was protected by a talisman he wears. The two teenagers spend some time running around town trying to figure out what's going on and how to stop it, and eventually they go to see Carver, who has some answers for them, but not ones they're happy to hear.

I won't spoil how it ends, but I will say I thought the movie was rather bad, in pretty much every way.

zombie index

R.L. Stine
IMDb; official website; TV Tropes; Wikia; Wikipedia

TV series: Goosebumps * The Nightmare Room * The Haunting Hour
Movies: The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It * Monsterville: Cabinet of Souls * Goosebumps * Goosebumps 2 * Zombie Town
"Mostly Ghostly" movies: Who Let the Ghosts Out? * Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? * One Night in Doom House