Comic Strip Archives

Once upon a time, I used to cut out and save comic strips I particularly liked. Many years later, I decided to scan them and put them on my website. But also, if I see any new strips I like, I'll try to get a copy online to save here (which should look better than strips I just scanned). I'd link to the sites they appear on, but you never know... things can disappear entirely from those sites, or the structure of the sites can change so the particular strips are no longer in the same place. So I figure it's safer to save my own copies of things I don't want to get lost. And... actually, there are some old strips I have managed to find online, so I grabbed the better copies instead of scanning mine. But I did have to scan some of them...

Arctic Circle, 5-28-17
Climate change.

B.C., 7-9-95
Thor's wheels.

Beetle Bailey, 8-27-95

Calvin and Hobbes, 11-5-89
History's single purpose.

Calvin and Hobbles, 1-1-95
The end of the Mesozoic era...

Calvin and Hobbes, 5-28-95
Inside out.

Calvin and Hobbes, 9-24-95

Dilbert, 6-19-89
Bad analogy.

Dilbert, 10-24-89
Maybe I should write a book.

Doonesbury, 3-26-17
Because the idea of black privilege is just so ironic.

The Far Side, 11-13-89
This ain't big poodle...

The Far Side, 1-1-95
There's no place like home.

Garfield, 9-29-96
Sock puppet.

Garfield, 2-23-97
Rabbit season.

Garfield, 11-22-98
Going to the kitchen, want anything?

Hi & Lois, 4-1-94

Hi & Lois, 3-17-19
St. Patrick's Day

Lack of Focus, ?-?-93

Non Sequitur, 3-26-17
Because Danae is always awesome, and yet this one has, at the end, a surprise commentary on the funny-sad state of the U.S.'s current political situation.

Peanuts, 3-26-17
This was first published in 1970, I guess, which is five years before I was born. But of course, "Classic Peanuts" is now in reruns. Anyway, I really liked this because it just seems so true. A writer can start with a bunch of very disparate plot elements, and brilliantly tie them together, but there'll always be someone who can find a plot hole the author missed.

Pluggers, 3-26-17
A funny-sad commentary on the current state of economics in the U.S.

Robotman, 12-25-88
Santa Vulcan.

Robotman, 9-22-91
Crib notes.

Shoe, 3-26-17
Another commentary on the current state of politics in the U.S.

Slylock Fox, 8-14-94
David Leopardman.

Wizard of Id, 7-9-95
Too late, shorty.

Wizard of Id, 4-29-18
Humpty Dumpty.
