tek's rating: ½

The Slumber Party, on Disney Channel
Disney Channel Wiki; Disney Wiki; Imagine; IMDb; On Disney+; TV Tango; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Disney+

There are these three 14-year-old girls named Anna Maria, Megan, and Paige, who are going to be starting high school soon. They're having a slumber party for Anna Maria's birthday. Meanwhile, Anna Maria is upset that her father is remarrying, and has insisted that she let his new step-daughter, Veronica, join the slumber party. Anna Maria also has a younger sister named Penny who wants to join the party, but the girls won't let her. Veronica hires a hypnotist named Mesmer for the party, and he implants the suggestion that the girls act as their true selves, without inhibition, for one night. And they won't remember anything they did until he gives them the trigger word.

So, in the morning, Megan, Paige, and Veronica wake up with no memory of what they did after being hypnotized. They soon realize Anna Maria is missing, and embark on a desperate series of misadventures in their quest to find her in time for her dad's wedding. Also, Megan is wearing a hoodie that belongs to her crush, Jake. The girls get some help from Paige's older brother, Mikey, on whom Veronica develops a crush. And that's all I want to say about the plot, other than that they do eventually find Anna Maria and go to the wedding, and do eventually get their memories back.

I didn't think it was a great movie, but it was okay. I liked the characters, and all the stuff they went through was entertaining enough, so I'm glad I watched it. But I'm not sure how memorable I'll find it.

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