The Legend of Korra, on Nickelodeon (s1-3e8) / (s3e9-s4)
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Caution: many spoilers! (for this series, as well as the previous one)
This is a sequel to the series Avatar: The Last Airbender, set 70 years after that show. It was originally meant to be just a 12-episode limited series, but it was later expanded to four seasons (or "books," as seasons were also called in Avatar), running for a total of 52 episodes (or "chapters").
I first heard about the show in July of 2010 (two years after Avatar ended), and since Avatar is my favorite show ever, from the moment I read about Korra, I was looking forward to it more than anything else in life. It was originally supposed to start in fall of 2011, so I knew I'd have a long wait. And then it got bumped to spring of 2012. But by the time that spring rolled around, I had gotten confused and was expecting it to start in fall 2012, for some reason. So it wasn't until after the show had premiered that I realized I was missing it. Not that it mattered much, because I hadn't had Nickelodeon since summer of 2011, anyway. So even if I'd been aware of it starting, I still wouldn't have been able to watch it. Which is kind of frustrating, when you're talking about the thing you've spent a couple years looking forward to more than anything in life. Besides which, I always put things like this on my website's monthly calendar, so I felt really bad about not having had the series premiere of Korra on my calendar. Not that anyone but me ever looks at it, but still. I was annoyed. But finally, in July of 2013, the first season was released on DVD, so I could finally watch it. One week after Book One was released on DVD, a soundtrack for the season was released. It's full of awesome music, and it gives me hope that we might eventually get a soundtrack for Avatar, which fans have been hoping for for years.
Anyway, as can be expected from the creators of "Avatar," everything about the show is amazing. The animation, the music, the writing, the acting, the character development, the action, and of course the stories. It's clear from the start that the show is going to be both dramatic and humorous, like the original series, with plenty of darkness as well as heart. And of course, Korra's a totally kick-ass action heroine, and a really cool person (albeit with plenty of the sort of angst typical of teenagers, as well as tremendous pressure to live up to the immensely daunting responsibilities of being the Avatar).
So, as I said, this is set 70 years after "Avatar: The Last Airbender." (I should make it clear that I'm going to assume if you read beyond this point, you have already seen all of that series, and so I will not hesitate to say things about it that would constitute major spoilers, if you have not seen it. Doing so is absolutely necessary to explain this series.) The first episode of "The Legend of Korra" includes an opening narration by Tenzin (J.K. Simmons), the youngest of Aang and Katara's three children (though of course, at this time he is middle-aged). (So there's your first big "Avatar" spoiler: at the end of the original series, Aang and Katara kiss, though at the time they're aged 12 and 14, respectively; unless either of them had a birthday that wasn't mentioned, at some point in the series' timeline. In a follow-up comic book miniseries, The Promise, we see that they've become a couple. Obviously sometime later, they married, though I'm not sure exactly how much later.) In Tenzin's narration, we learn that Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko had worked together to transform the Fire Nation's colonies in the Earth Kingdom into the United Republic of Nations. (This development is obviously the result of a decision that was made at the conclusion of "The Promise." Oh, and btw, spoiler 2: Zuko became Fire Lord at the end of "Avatar.") The capital of the new country is Republic City. The narration concludes by informing us that, after a life full of many accomplishments, Aang died, and the Avatar cycle continued....
The story actually begins with three members of the Order of the White Lotus arriving at the home of a man and woman of the Southern Water Tribe. The White Lotus have been searching for the new Avatar, and this couple's four-year-old daughter, Korra, is clearly "the one." We immediately see her perform some impressive bending of three elements. (It's especially impressive, given not only her age, but the fact that she probably couldn't have received any training in anything but waterbending.) In the middle of this display, the scene jumps forward thirteen years, without segue, to a 17-year-old Korra completing her firebending training. She's exceptionally skilled, but also very brash, unrestrained, and lacking in spiritual discipline. So her firebending master isn't sure she's really ready to move on to airbending (the final element of her training). But Master Katara (now an old woman who looks remarkably like her grandmother, Kanna, did in the original series) convinces him that Korra is ready. Soon after that, Tenzin arrives at the South Pole (having come from Republic City on a flying bison named Oogi), to begin training Korra in both airbending, and the spiritual side of being the Avatar. He brings with him his pregnant wife, Pema, and their two daughters, 10-year-old Jinora and 7-year-old Ikki, and son, 5-year-old Meelo. (The three children, like their father, are all airbenders. So it seems their grandfather wasn't the last airbender, after all. But five airbenders in the whole world- including Korra- is still a pretty small number. Pema, incidentally, is not a bender, and hopes her next child won't be, either.)
Anyway, the plan was for Tenzin to move to the South Pole for however long Korra's training would take. But instead he informs her that he and his family are just there for a brief visit; he has to return to Republic City the next day. Korra is not at all happy that her airbending training will have to be delayed, possibly for years. But Tenzin is on the ruling council of Republic City, and says the situation there is unstable right now. Korra suggests that she go back there with him, but everyone says the city is too dangerous. However, Korra and her polar bear dog, Naga, sneak out of the compound, and stow away on a steam ship headed for Republic City. (Naga is much smaller than a flying bison- and of course she doesn't fly- but a polar bear dog is still big enough for at least a couple of people to ride.) When I first heard of this series back in 2010, the main thing I remember reading about it was that it was going to have steampunk elements to it, which sounded awesome. And I can see that, to some extent, in the city. Which is cool, but my first impression of the city is that it seems more like 1920s Chicago, or someplace like that. (I'd also say it has hints of San Francisco. But Wikipedia says the show's creators describe it as "if Manhattan had happened in Asia.") Incidentally, the show's soundtrack includes both Chinese-sounding music and Jazz. So whatever place or era or cinematic style you compare Republic City to, it's pretty much cool cubed.
However, Korra soon learns that there is an anti-bending movement called the Equalists, who believe benders have been oppressing non-benders. She also learns that there are bending triads (gangs) operating in the city, and she stops a crime being committed by one such triad, the Triple Threats. However, she causes more damage doing so than the gangsters would have caused, and when the police show up, they arrest her, as well. (There's a pretty cool chase before they catch her, though. And I do find it kind of nice to know the police are actually a match for her. They're metalbenders, though I feel like some of their awesome moves could just as well have been done by non-benders with Batman-style gadgets.) At police headquarters, Korra is interrogated by Chief Lin Beifong (the daughter of Toph), who is very angry about Korra acting like a vigilante. But Councilman Tenzin convinces the chief to drop the charges, and says he'll send Korra back to the South Pole. However, before long, Tenzin changes his mind, deciding Republic City needs the Avatar. So he agrees to let her stay and begin her training. And she holds a press conference announcing that she's moved to the city, but that she doesn't have a plan yet beyond that. But she wants to help the city be the center of peace and balance that Avatar Aang had envisioned.
And I feel like I've said way too much about just one episode, but a lot happened in that episode. And it's all necessary for setting up what the series is all about. Subsequent episodes start with recaps in the style of old-timey movie newsreels, which is pretty neat. (It doesn't seem as if movies have been invented yet, but there is radio. However, the recaps really are just for the show's viewers, as they often include information that the news services couldn't know.) It's also really cool to see a bit of Korra's airbending training, since Aang was finished with that before the original series started, so we didn't get to see it. And air is the one type of bending that doesn't come naturally to Korra (because it's contrary to her brazen personality; honestly, she seems to have the temperament of a firebender, in spite of her Water Tribe heritage). So it seems she's going to need lots of training. Meanwhile, she disobeys Tenzin and sneaks out to watch a pro-bending match (which he seems to regard in much the same way some people in our world regard pro-wrestling, as an affront to "true" bending). She meets an earthbender named Bolin, who is part of a pro-bending team called the Fire Ferrets, along with his firebender older brother, Mako. When the waterbender on their team fails to show up for a match, Korra joins their team (though she's only allowed to use waterbending). Tenzin eventually finds out about this, and is furious, but in the end, it seems pro-bending has helped her learn to move more like an airbender than she ever did from his teaching. So they apologize to each other. And she joins the Fire Ferrets permanently. Oh, and Bolin has an actual pet fire ferret, named Pabu. (Whereas Naga is basically this series' counterpart to the original series' Appa, Pabu is the counterpart to Momo. And all four animals were voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.)
In the third episode, we get to see more of the main antagonist of the series, the mask-wearing Amon (Steve Blum), who had previously been seen very briefly at the end of the first episode. Amon is the leader of the Equalists. He and his henchmen are chi-blockers (like Ty Lee in the original series, except they seem to just temporarily take away the ability to bend, whereas Ty Lee also temporarily paralyzed people). Amon claims the spirits have given him the ability to take away bending permanently, which is something Aang learned to do at the end of the original series... and it's something only the Avatar should be able to do. So this revelation is of great concern to both Korra and Tenzin.
In the fourth episode, Mako meets a girl named Asami Sato (voiced by Seychelle Gabriel), and they start dating. Asami's father is Hiroshi Sato (Daniel Dae Kim), inventor of the Satomobile (which in our world would be called an automobile) and founder of Future Industries. He offers to sponsor the Fire Ferrets, who'd won a spot in the pro-bending championship, but couldn't afford the entry fee. Meanwhile, a Republic City councilman named Tarrlok (from the Northern Water Tribe) organizes a task force to hunt down Amon and his chi-blockers. (Tenzin was the only member of the council to vote against the task force's creation.) When Tarrlok asks Korra to join the task force, she refuses at first, but eventually does join.
Um... and throughout the rest of the season, lots of stuff happens. For one thing, Bolin has a crush on Korra, but she's more interested in Mako. Which leads to a Korra-Mako-Asami love triangle, and lots of jealousy and hard feelings. Still, everyone in the group remains mostly friendly, because ultimately, they're all on the same side, against the Equalists. (And in spite of the Mako complications, Korra and Asami do genuinely like each other.) Incidentally, Asami isn't a bender, but she's got some mad fighting skills, anyway, which come in handy against the Equalists. There's also eventually a very dramatic problem she has to face in regards to her father, but I don't want to spoil the exact nature of that (yet). I should also say that chief Beifong eventually gets over her initial dislike of Korra. Oh, and in episode 10, Pema gives birth to another son, Rohan. And as the season progresses, the Equalists become more bold, finally attacking Republic City and coming close to total victory, after which they intend to move against the rest of the world, eliminating bending completely. But Tenzin calls for help from the United Forces, which are led by General Iroh. (Iroh is the grandson of Zuko. He's voiced by Dante Basco, who voiced Zuko in the original series). By the end of the season, Korra and her allies finally defeat Amon, though I won't spoil exactly how that all played out. I will say Korra finally unlocks the ability to airbend.
And... I guess that's all I want to say about Book One's plot, for now. But be aware that whenever I summarize later seasons' plots, I may need to spoil things from earlier seasons. Oh, and btw, I do wish the Equalists' complaint about benders had been dealt with more directly, as it was a potentially legitimate complaint, just exaggerated to essentially racist extremes by Amon. So I don't really feel like his defeat should be an end to the issue.
About a month before book two premiered, there was a series of three webisodes, called Republic City Hustle.
Okay, this season I'm going to try (and pretty much fail) to say a lot less than I did about the first season, and just give more of an overview. I will say that probably for the first few episodes, I thought the story seemed slower and a bit less interesting than Book One, but it soon started improving, and the last few episodes of the Book Two contain pretty much the most epic epicness ever seen in the Avatarverse.
The season begins six months after Book One ends. Korra and Mako are now dating, but they'll break up part way through the season, for reasons I don't want to get into. I'll just say romantic complications are a lot less important this season than last season, and of course in spite of tensions, Team Avatar is still, you know, a team. Meanwhile, Mako is now a rookie beat cop, but this doesn't mean he has much interaction with Chief Beifong. There are a couple of buffoonish police detectives who give Mako a hard time, and Beifong isn't much better. When Mako eventually starts investigating some crimes in Republic City, the chief isn't happy, because he's not yet a detective, himself. (Incidentally, the two detectives we do see are basically a spoof on 1970s cop shows, or something.) But I'm getting ahead of myself. The start of the season is set at the South Pole, where Korra and her friends are visiting her parents (Tonraq and Senna), during the Winter Solstice. Also present are Korra's uncle, Unalaq, and his teenage twin son and daughter, Desna and Eska (Aubrey Plaza). (The two of them are kind of creepy, but Eska ends up sort of dating Bolin... who is kind of terrified of her, and totally submissive.) Anyway, Unalaq is the chief of the Northern Water Tribe, and Korra is shocked to learn that her father was originally from the Northern tribe, himself. And um... she gets mad at both Tonraq and Tenzin about some things, and decides she wants to receive spiritual training from Unalaq. And he gets her to open the Southern portal between the human and spirit worlds. (She'll also later open the Northern portal, but the reason for that is a bit more complicated.)
But before long, Unalaq and the Northern tribe invade the Southern tribe, wanting to unite both tribes under his rule. This leads to a civil war (literally, brother against brother), and Korra comes to regret her earlier fight with her father. I also need to mention that there's this wacky inventor/businessman named Varrick, who is on the side of the Southern tribe. He also has an assistant named Zhu Li (Stephanie Sheh), who is incredibly loyal to him, though I always feel sorry for how much nonsense and how many demands she puts up with from her boss. Varrick becomes an important ally in the war, though the war itself is pretty quickly won by the North. So, he helps Korra and her friends escape and return to Republic City, to seek help from the Republic against the North. However, President Raiko refuses to get involved in the war. Meanwhile, Varrick has invented movies (or as he calls them, "movers") and casts Bolin as the star of a mover serial about a fictional hero of the Southern Water Tribe, named Nuktuk. An actress named Ginger plays Nuktuk's girlfriend, a typical damsel in distress. Bolin (who is happy to have gotten away from Eska) wants to date Ginger in real life, but she's not interested. Oh, and Naga and Pabu also have roles in the movers. Also, Varrick uses the movers as propaganda against the Northern Water Tribe, hoping to convince the public (and Raiko) to join the war. (Incidentally, I found it a bit odd that Bolin, an earthbender, was playing a waterbender in the movers. Which led me to wonder if that was some kind of subtle comment on the racial miscasting in the movie The Last Airbender.) Meanwhile, Asami has been having trouble keeping Future Industries in business, ever since (spoiler!) her father had been revealed to be an Equalist, last season. But Varrick offers her a deal that helps keep the company from going under.
While all this is going on in Republic City, Tenzin and his family have gone to the Southern Air Temple, where they have a reunion with his sister Kya (a waterbender, voiced by Lisa Edelstein) and brother Bumi (a nonbender, but a commander in the United Forces). Incidentally, I like both their names (Kya was named after Katara and Sokka's mother, and Bumi was named after one of Aang's best friends). There is some sibling rivalry among the three of them, for various reasons, such as Tenzin supposedly being their father's favorite (since he was an airbender), and Bumi just being kind of crazy. But Tenzin's own children are happy to have their aunt and uncle around.
Um... for reasons I won't get into, Korra loses her memory at one point, and this leads to a whole storyline where she learns about the very first Avatar, Wan, who lived 10,000 years ago. (I personally didn't think the flashbacks looked like they took place in a world that much more primitive than the world of Aang's time, but whatevs.) It was really interesting to see the origins of bending as well as of the Avatar. And that involved a light spirit named Raava and a dark spirit named Vaatu. I don't want to spoil too many details of that, but I must say that Unalaq had some big plans for working with Vaatu. And that leads to the aforementioned epic epicness. Anyway... in the end, all the good guys take part in battles against Unalaq and various evil spirits, trying to prevent him from plunging the world into utter chaos. Of course Korra herself plays the greatest role, but her most vital assist comes from Jinora.
There are a couple of things I didn't really quite feel were adequately explained, at the end of the season. For one thing, I'm not exactly clear on how Jinora knew how to do what she did, or why it took her so long to show up during the final battle. (In fact, I'm not even sure what exactly she did, I just know it was important, whatever it was.) Also, while Unalaq is defeated, I'm not sure what Vaatu's fate is. I'm certain it's impossible that he was destroyed, but everyone seemed to act like he was. But the most intriguing thing about the way the season ends is that Korra realizes Unalaq's plan wasn't completely wrong, and she makes a decision that will lead to a major change in the world. (This reminds me of my thoughts at the end of Book One, about how the Equalists weren't completely wrong, and I find it refreshing that this time, Korra doesn't just dismiss every aspect of her enemy's plan. I kind of suspected she'd make the choice she did, and I'm glad I was right.) Spoiler! The portals between the human world and the spirit world will remain open, so that humans and spirits can travel back and forth between the worlds. I'm not entirely clear on how this is different from before, at least as far as spirits are concerned. Because it seems like some spirits have always traveled between the worlds. But it's certainly something most humans have never been able to do, at least not without a great deal of spiritual training. And even then, it was just their own spirits that traveled into the spirit world, whereas now anyone can travel bodily into that world- one of the major upshots of which is that benders can bend in the spirit world, which they couldn't do without their bodies. And... I dunno, maybe not all spirits could cross into the human world, or they could only do so at certain times, or... something. Anyway, I am really looking forward to seeing how this new world order changes things in Book Three. Meanwhile, though I again feel like I've said too much, I've also left out tons of details... including a truly major change for Korra herself, and all Avatars who will come after her. (I'll hold off on revealing exactly what that change was, for now.)
This season picks up two weeks after Book Two. Republic City is covered in spirit vines, which Korra is having difficulty dealing with, and everyone's pretty annoyed about this inconvenience. And President Raiko makes her leave the city. Meanwhile, it turns out that numerous people around the world who previously weren't benders have suddenly become airbenders, and Bumi is one of them. So, Tenzin and Korra and Team Avatar start traveling on an airship to recruit and train new airbenders. Unfortunately, most of the people they meet have no interest in giving up their familiar lives to move to an air temple and start living according to Air Nomad traditions. What's worse, there's a dangerous criminal named Zaheer (voiced by Henry Rollins) wh has become an airbender, which allows him to escape from his prison. Over the next few episodes, Zaheer frees old comrades of his from their own prisons, including an earthbender named Ghazan (who can also lavabend) and a waterbender named Ming-Hua (who has no arms, but uses water whips as prosthetics; voiced by Grey DeLisle, who had voiced Azula in the original series). The three of them travel to the North Pole to free the final member of their team, a firebender named P'Li (who can "combustionbend," like Combustion Man from the original series; she is also Zaheer's girlfriend). The four of them had been imprisoned by the Order of the White Lotus thirteen years ago. And we learn that Zaheer and his allies want to kill the Avatar, though the reason for this is not immediately revealed. (It's yet another secret that some of Korra's elders have been keeping from her.)
And lots of other stuff happens. I'm not sure how much I should avoid spoiling, and how much is absolutely necessary to say. But um... Fire Lord Zuko plays a small part in the season (he's now voiced by Bruce Davison, as Dante Basco's voice isn't old enough to play him as an old man, I guess). And Team Avatar does recruit one new airbender, a young pickpocket named Kai, who could become a love interest for Jinora. We also meet the current Earth Queen, Hou-Ting... but I don't want to say anything about what happens with her. Also, Mako and Bolin meet the family of their late father, so that's nice. And eventually more airbenders are recruited, whom Tenzin takes to the Northern Air Temple to begin training, along with Bumi and Kai. Meanwhile, Team Avatar continues looking for more airbenders, and they go to Zaofu, a city of metalbenders ruled by Lin's estranged half-sister, Suyin (Anne Heche) and her daughter, Opal (Alyson Stoner), who is a new airbender. Suyin begins training Korra, and later Bolin. Also, Korra tries to fix the relationship between Lin and Suyin. We see flashbacks to when Lin and Suyin were younger (voiced by Grey DeLisle and Jessie Flower; Flower previously voiced Lin and Suyin's mother, Toph, in the original series). It takes awhile, but finally Lin and Suyin reconcile. And later, Opal (who was becoming quite close to Bolin) leaves to join the airbenders at the Northern Air Temple. Eventually, we learn that Zaheer and his allies are part of a group called the Red Lotus, who are basically anarchists. They want to eliminate governments, nations, rulers of any kind... including the Avatar. And they believe very zealously that what they're doing is just.
Season 3.09
Anyway... hmmm. As usual, toward the end of the season it looks like the villains are going to win, but of course in the end they don't. So, it's all very dramatic and there's tons of thrilling action, and... more things I don't want to spoil. But I will say that in spite of the main bad guys being defeated, it's still unclear how many other members of the Red Lotus may be out there. But on a brighter note, Jinora is inducted as an airbending master. So... lots of feels.
Well, I finally started watching this season on DVD in April 2016 (and finished in July). It's set three years after Book Three. So, there's a fair bit to catch up on. First of all, I need to tell you some things I avoided spoiling about book three. Zaheer killed Queen Hou-Ting, and instigated a rebellion in the Earth Kingdom, before he and the Red Lotus were defeated. Also, he had captured Korra and tortured her, which included poisoning her with metal, and she was left crippled. So she's spent the years between seasons at the South Pole, where Katara worked on helping her heal, as well as providing physical therapy. At the start of book four, we learn that she had left the South Pole six months earlier, to return to Republic City. However, she decided not to go there, because she was still traumatized by all the suffering she had endured at the hands of Zaheer (and Amon and Unalaq before him). Besides which, she can no longer enter the Avatar state, and even her regular bending isn't as good as it used to be. So anyway, the folks from the South Pole thought she was in Republic City, and the folks from the city thought she was still at the South Pole. When they all learn otherwise, of course they want to find her.
Meanwhile, there's a metalbender named Kuvira, who was formerly the captain of the guard in Zaofu. However, after the assassination of Hou-Ting, she left to fight off insurgents and bandits throughout the Earth Kingdom. She assembled an ever-growing army to help her with this, starting with Suyin Beifong's eldest son, Bataar Jr., to whom she is now engaged. Kuvira's group also includes Bolin, Varrick, and Zhu Li. (The latter two are working on developing a super weapon powered by spirit vines.) Also, airbenders such as Opal, Kai, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo have been doing their own thing, helping people throughout the Earth Kingdom. (They all wear wingsuits that let them fly without gliders.) But they're not associated with Kuvira's group. In fact, there's some question as to whether her group are really doing as much good as they think they are. While they've been protecting people from bandits and such, they've also been forcing local leaders to sign allegiance to the empire she's building. Her supporters call her "the Great Uniter," but others see her as a potential tyrant. For now, Kuvira is the de facto ruler of the Earth Kingdom, but there's a spoiled, annoying prince named Wu who is supposed to be crowned the new Earth King, and Mako has been assigned as his bodyguard. Oh, and I should say that Bolin and Opal have been dating, but both the fact that they rarely get to see each other, and disagreement about Kuvira, put some strain on their relationship. Bolin's relationship with Mako is also strained.
In episode 2, we get a flashback to Korra's time with Katara, and to her leaving the South Pole. She hides her identity and travels the Earth Kingdom for awhile, but she continues to have disturbing visions of her past. Finally, a spirit leads her to a swamp, where she meets the now-old Toph Beifong (now voiced by Philece Sampler). Toph spends the next two episodes trying to help Korra get back to her old self. But we also see developments elsewhere. In episode 3, Kuvira reveals that she doesn't intend to pass her power on to Wu. In episode 4, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo search for Korra, but the three of them don't get along well. Still, they do find her at the end of the episode, right in time for Korra to finally finish her healing, both physical and psychological. (Toph also gave her some advice about her past adversaries, which was pretty similar to things I'd been thinking over the first three seasons.) Anyway, now that Korra's back with her friends, she helps them try to stop Kuvira from taking over Zaofu, the last holdout among the former Earth Kingdom. Meanwhile, Varrick and Bolin finally realize that Kuvira is a tyrant, so they abandon her army and eventually rejoin their friends against Kuvira... but Zhu Li stays with Kuvira, for now. And Bolin patches up his relationship with Opal. After Kuvira takes Zaofu, she announces her intention to take back former Earth Kingdom lands that had become the United Republic, back in Aang and Zuko's time. So our heroes have to make a last ditch effort to stop her when she attacks Republic City.
Well, a lot of stuff happens in the last few episodes, including some surprising heroism from some characters. (And of course a ton of heroism from all the usual heroes.) Still a fair amount of humor, lots of drama and sadness, a truly astonishing amount of utterly amazing action, and one or two surprising (yet awesome) romantic pairings. And of course, Kuvira is defeated. And... I've left out a bunch of the best plot details to avoid too many spoilers, but as always, I fear I may be forgetting important things to say about it all. Anyway, I'm sad now that the show is over, but I loved every minute of the series. And I assume there will be comic books for the show, just as there have been for "Avatar." So that's something to look forward to.
Incidentally, I need to mention that Book Three began airing in late June 2014, and of course I still didn't have the chance to watch it on TV. So, always waiting for DVDs meant I was always behind, and had to avoid spoilers, but I could still hear some news about the show. And one bit of news I heard in late July was that after the eighth episode of the season, the series would no longer be airing on Nickelodeon. Instead, the final five episodes would be released on and other online platforms. So from that point on, it sort of became a web series, rather than a TV series. (Of course, the entire season would later air on Nicktoons.) This didn't affect me, but it was still somewhat troubling news. Not that I have anything against web series, but it just seemed like, I dunno, like Nickelodeon was giving it a vote of no confidence, or something. At that point, I wasn't even sure if Book Four would happen or not. But I didn't start watching Book Three on DVD until summer 2015, by which time Book Four had already concluded online and on TV, and been released on DVD, so I had nothing to worry about.
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