pizza commercials
(see also fast food)

On this page I'll have ads for various pizzerias as well as frozen pizzas.

I should be able to find more ads for this, but here's an amusing one involving Area 51. I also kinda liked one that had a girl saying "that's funny, I didn't order a pizza," but I haven't been able to find it.


In the 1980s, there were a ton of "Avoid the Noid" commercials. I'm sure I couldn't remember any of them specifically, I just remember the character in general. So I've provided one such ad here (possibly the first one). The second ad I have here is much more recent, and doesn't involve the Noid.

Little Caesars
Their ads tend to be just redonk, the kind of things that might make me smirk but that I still feel are too dumb to really "like." But sometimes they grow on me. Like this "Ohhh!" ad. And one with a father and son and telescope.

Pizza Hut
Regular price, four bucks, four bucks, four bucks, four bucks.


The only Tombstone ad I can think of that I want to include here involved a firing squad. And I can't find it anywhere online. Please let me know if you have any idea where it might be.

commercials index