social justice ads

Here's a playlist I've created. Some of these ads are specifically about social justice issues, including race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, immigration, gender identity, the environment, violence, whatever. Other ads are just normal ads for products, which become about social justice simply because there are people out there who hate the ads just for showing elements of normal, everyday life that the haters don't want to be seen as normal. (The kind of ads that they call political, but are really only made so by the haters hating them.) Then a playlist I didn't create, a series of PSAs called "That's Harassment"

I'm going to start with a 2014 ad for Coca-Cola, featuring "America the Beautiful" sung in various languages. Because holy crap, that's what America is all about, but when it first aired, a bunch of assholes were offended by it, because their idea of America is the absolute antithesis of the real America. Then "Emily Murphy" (one of various Canadian Heritage Minutes from the early 90s, several of which would fit just as well here). Then there's a Verizon ad (Inspire Her Mind); Always (#LikeAGirl); Microsoft (Girls Do Science); No More (Text Talk); CARE (Dear Daddy); Sandy Hook Promise (Evan); Campbell's (I am your father); Amazon Prime (Old Friends); Audi (Daughter); 84 Lumber (The Entire Journey); Ad Council (Love Has No Labels); Microsoft (#MakeWhatsNext); Drug Policy Alliance (Your Brain On Drugs Policy); Axe (Is it ok for guys...); Procter & Gamble (The Talk); Google (Searching for Gender Equality); Dove Men+Care (#DearFutureDads); Gillette (The Best Men Can Be); Sandy Hook Promise (Back-To-School Essentials); Toonami (Black Lives Matter)

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