Truth PSAs
(see also Public Service Announcements)

For awhile in the 2000s, a group called Truth put out a number of anti-tobacco ads, including a series called "Fair Enough!" which were like mock-sitcoms. Also a series of demonstration ads. And... I guess they're still making ads, but I haven't seen any in several years, as far as I can recall. Anyway, here are just a few of the ads I've managed to find online.

Fair Enough!

Other "truth" ads
The first one here is a playlist. (A couple of the videos on the list don't work, but the rest do.) Then there are several individual ads. Most of these are kind of old, but there's one from 2015 (It's a trap!) which parodies internet memes (yet somehow, Admiral Ackbar fails to make an appearance).

commercials index