tek's rating: ½

The Famous Jett Jackson, on Disney Channel
Disney channel Wiki; Disney Wiki; IMDb; Sitcoms Online; TV Tango; TV Tropes; Wikia; Wikipedia

I never watched a lot of this, but it's not a bad show, really. Anyway, there's this guy named Jett Jackson (Lee Thompson Young), who plays this cool superspy called Silverstone on a TV show of the same name. And he moves the production of his show to his hometown of Wilstead, North Carolina, because he wants to be with his family, and his friends J.B. and Kayla, and have a normal life in addition to being a TV star. "Silverstone" the show is kind of interesting, I guess. Sort of. Later on, the character gets a partner named Hawk, played by this girl named Riley (Lindy Booth). I'm sorry there's not really anything else I can say...

There was also a TV movie, Jett Jackson: The Movie, in which somehow the "real" Jett Jackson and the fictional Silverstone switch lives. It was weird, but generally more interesting than the regular series. Someday it might be nice to see it again and write up a proper review, although unlike the series, I reckon you'd have to consider it sci-fi....

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