This is a series of random shorts that aired from 1999-2005, with old cartoon characters in new, ridiculous situations. I don't think I saw many of them; in fact the only one I really remember is Whiners Can Be Losers, which I definitely found amusing. (I actually didn't know "Whiners" was part of the Shorties series, but if the internet says it was, it must be true.) But over the years, Cartoon Network and Boomerang have aired any number of similar shorts that weren't technically part of this series, I guess. And without the internet to educate me, I wouldn't have any idea that they weren't shorties. (The MetaFilter Wiki lists a bunch of different shorts that weren't "Shorties," though many of the links on that page don't work anymore.) Of these, the one I remember best involves the Superfriends meeting the Powerpuff Girls. In fact, I've always tended to associate it with the "Whiners" short more closely than I identify either short with any particular series of shorts. Another random short I remember is Anger Management.
Anyway... whenever any Cartoon Network shorts aired throughout its history, I feel like one might as well think of them as being pretty much the same kind of thing, regardless of whether they're part of a "series" or not. So if I think of or rediscover any more than I enjoyed in the past, I'll list them here. I mean, with the exception of Groovies, which are distinct from regular shorts because they're music videos. (And there may have been other CN music videos that weren't "Groovies," either. I dunno.)