tek's rating: ½

Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown, on CBS (reruns on ABC)
ABC; Amazon; BCDB; IMDb; Peanuts Wiki; WB Shop; Wikipedia

Caution: potential spoilers.

The thirteenth "Peanuts" special, which first aired in 1975. I would think I must have seen it as a kid in the 80s, but when I watched it again in 2015, not much about it seemed particularly familiar. It was reasonably amusing, though. There's lots of different things going on with the various characters, and the whole special kind of has the feel of a group of loosely connected comic strips. Um... one plot line is about Linus having a crush on his teacher, Miss Othmar (whom we never see). I want to mention that I liked the scene where she assigns Linus to bang out the chalkboard erasers, because that's something I don't imagine kids these days would even get. It's certainly something we had to do when I was in grade school, though, so I found it a bit nostalgic. Anyway, Linus decides to buy her a big box of chocolates. Sally sees him buy that, and assumes the chocolates are for her, so of course she will ultimately be upset when she learns they're not.

Also there's the class Valentine's Day party, where everyone puts Valentine cards in a box, which are later passed out. That's something we did when I was a kid, too... though I'm pretty sure when I was in grade school, every kid gave every other kid a Valentine; it was kind of an obligation. But one of the plot lines in the special is that Charlie Brown doesn't get any Valentines. (He would have liked to get one from anyone at all, but especially the Little Red Haired Girl, whom I think he just mentioned once in this special. I could have sworn that when I was a kid, I saw a Valentine's Day special where she figured more prominently, but apparently not. However, it's entirely possible that there was some other special I saw that might have been paired with this special, one year. I'm not sure. Incidentally, when I watched this in 2015, it was paired with another Valentine's special from 2002, A Charlie Brown Valentine, which I don't think I'd seen before.)

What else? There's a cute scene where Charlie Brown tries to teach Sally to cut out Valentine hearts from construction paper. (He's okay at it, Sally sucks at it, Snoopy is unbelievably awesome at it.) There's a scene where Lucy attends a Valentine's puppet (or pawpet) show performed by Snoopy. There's scenes with Lucy and Schroeder (which go pretty much the way such scenes always go). There's a scene where Miss Othmar leaves school while the students are still having their party, which seemed really weird. I mean, it served the Linus plotline, but that's just not something that would ever happen in real life. And... I guess some other things happen. There's a sort of happy ending, at least for Charlie Brown, but on the whole, the special is kind of a downer. Which I think is pretty cool. And I dunno what else to say.

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