tek's rating: ½

Treehouse of Horror XXIX (Season 30; Oct. 21, 2018)
Amazon; A.V. Club; Disney+; Halloween Specials Wiki; Halloween Wiki; IMDb; Simpsons Wiki; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

Intro: Homer has an eating contest with Cthulhu. Not bad.

Intrusion of the Pod-Y Snatchers: A parody of Invasion of the Body Snatchers... with a twist ending. Also social commentary about smartphones. And um, some decent visual gags, like one involving Futurama and The Orville. Anyway, the sketch was okay.

MultipLisa-ty: I guess at least the title is a parody of "Multiplicity," but I haven't seen that. In the sketch, Lisa develops multiple personalities, locks up Bart, Milhouse, and Nelson, and plans to kill them. It was kinda "meh." (Edit: The day after watching this, I read some things online that say it's based on Split, which I hadn't seen at the time.)

Geriatric Park: Mr. Burns opens a Jurassic Park-like retirement island for old people. And then they turn into dinosaurs. But again, there's a twist ending. It was a fairly decent sketch.

Once again, there was no Kodos and Kang this year. Boo!

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