Sunday Dinner, on CBS
IMDb; Sitcoms Online; TV Tango; Wikipedia

This ran from June 2 to July 7, 1991. It's one of the few shows in my summer series section that I think was meant to last longer than the summer, but... it didn't.

Probably the first thing I saw Teri Hatcher in. The whole cast was good, especially Robert Loggia. I enjoyed the show. Loggia played a widower named Ben Benedict, who had a few grown children. And he started dating this younger woman named TT Fagori (Hatcher), who started coming to Sunday dinner with the family. Ben's daughters, Diana and Vicky, didn't like their dad dating someone about their age, but his son, Kenneth, didn't mind. I forget what Ben's sister, Martha thought about the relationship. In fact I don't remember the show well at all, but I know I liked it. It's a shame it didn't last longer.

Note: I originally had this listed in my too something section, but moved it when I reorganized the summer series section in 2024.

summer series