I don't remember this well enough to rate it.

Oddville, MTV, on MTV
IMDb; TV Tango; Wikipedia

This show was kind of bizarre. It was a sort of a talk show, sort of a variety show. But it was insane. Kind of ridiculous, but I liked it. It was funny in a way. It had a weird, dorky host named Frank, and a really weird cohost named David, who never spoke and just sat on the couch not moving or anything. He kind of seemed like he should be in an asylum; he was funny, but also rather disturbing, in a way. And some of the guests were really crazy, eating lightbulbs and whatnot. I liked the announcer, Melissa. And they had cool musical guests sometimes. Well, that's about all I can think to say. But it would be cool to see this again sometime. Which will never happen.

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