tek's rating: ½

Black Cat in a Dark Room (14:15)
Dread Central; IMDb; Leland Montgomery; YouTube

This 2019 short film was presented as an Alter Exclusive in 2020.

Well, I kind of barely see this as horror. If it weren't an Alter Exclusive and I had to choose a genre, I think I would have put my review under "supernatural". Anyway, the film contains neither a black cat nor a dark room. What it's about is a trio of vampires who find their prey by offering an underground service to people who wish to be euthanized. But one of the vampires, Beverly, starts to doubt that what they're doing is right. That's all I want to say about the plot, but it's a decent short film. It's very dramatic, especially how it ends. I mean, for Beverly I think it feels very melancholy, and for another one of the vampires, it feels tragic, because of her connection to Beverly. It probably deserves a higher rating than I've given it, but I couldn't get that into it. I'm glad to have seen it, though.