tek's rating: ¾

Riley Was Here (14:41)
Dust; Facebook; IMDb; Michael Marrero; PopHorror; Short of the Week; YouTube

This 2018 short film was presented as an Alter Exclusive in 2019.

A man named Junior goes to a woman named Raquelle for a very unusual service she provides. At some point in the past, there has been a zombie outbreak, but a vaccine was created that ended the event. However, Raquelle can infect people with the zombie virus for a brief time, before giving them the cure. Most people do it for the high that comes with infection, but Junior has other reasons for wanting the experience. And Raquelle has her own reason for doing what she does, which involves her dead son, Riley. That's all I want to say about the plot, but I definitely found the story interesting.

zombie index