tek's rating: meh

Doctor Who: Scream of the Shalka, on bbc.co.uk
BBC; IMDb; Tardis Data Core; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

This flash-animated series was released online in six parts, in 2003. I didn't see it until 2021, on DVD. It features a version of the Doctor I've never seen or heard of before. He's the ninth Doctor, but obviously not the one who would be seen a couple years later in the TV revival of the series. So, I think this story was canonical at the time it was released, but was retroactively made non-canon. It also features an android version of the Master, as the Doctor's traveling companion, for some reason.

Anyway, some underground screaming aliens called Shalka invade Earth, planning to add the planet to their empire after wiping out the human race. The story mainly takes place in village of Lannet in Lancashire, where the Doctor meets a bartender named Alison Cheney, and her boyfriend, Joe, who is a doctor. Alison gets involved against her will in the Shalka's plan to take over the world, but also in the Doctor's plan to save the world. UNIT also gets involved. There's really no more I want to say about the plot. I just want to say that I found the whole story rather tedious, and I didn't care for this version of the Doctor.

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