Crypt Monster Universe quickies
(see also Crypt TV quickies)

"Quickies" is just what I've decided to call any shorts that are around three and a half minutes or less (upper limit subject to change), and about which there's not much I can say. (The ones on this page are part of the Crypt Monster Universe, though probably not important parts.)

Creak: "Under the Bed" (2:22)
Crypt TV Wiki; YouTube

A little girl is scared of creaking noises in her room at night. But is she looking for monsters in the right places?

Daisy: "Move In Day" (3:04)
Crypt TV Wiki; YouTube

Two women move into a house that turns out to be haunted, and things go very badly for them. Definitely a horrifying short.

The Drawing: "Hyperrealism" (1:57)
IMDb; Vimeo; YouTube

A young boy finishes drawing a monster just before going to bed. And... that was probably a bad idea.

Gotcher: "The Gotcher Man" (3:02)
Bruce Branit; Crypt TV Wiki; Dread Central; Facebook; IMDb; Vimeo; YouTube

This 2014 short film was presented by Crypt TV in 2016 on Facebook and in 2017 on YouTube.

There's a support group for people with a particularly unusual traumatic experience from their childhoods.

Happy Mother's Day: "Love & Dedication" (1:54)
Facebook; IMDb; YouTube

On Mother's Day, a daughter expresses her appreciation for all her mother does for her. We see scenes of her mom going to horrific, overprotective lengths to keep her daughter safe. It's kind of amusing, and also the relationship between mother and daughter vaguely reminds me of the relationship between Big Daddy and Hit Girl.

Marco Polo: "Underwater" (2:18)
Crypt TV Wiki; Facebook; IMDb; Vimeo (director's cut); YouTube

A couple sneak into someone else's pool when the owner isn't home, and play a game of Marco Polo. It does not end well for them.

Morgu: "Can't Take Me Away" (2:48)
13th Floor; Crypt TV Wiki; Erika Grediaga; facebook; IMDb; YouTube

A woman is planning to move to a new house, but her young daughter doesn't want to leave the old one. And she may have the power to back up her wish to stay. The short itself is decent, but it really left me wanting to know more of the backstory, maybe even see a feature film based on this concept.

My First Day (1:17)
Crypt TV Wiki; Facebook; IMDb; YouTube

Young Anthony Kane prepares for his first day at a new school. And um... I think he's going to do just fine there.

Neighbors: "Peeping Tom" (3:49)
Charlene Bagcal; Crypt TV Wiki; IMDb; YouTube

I don't know what to say except this is just bizarre.

Playing Doctor: "Next Patient" (1:54)
Facebook; IMDb; YouTube

A couple return from a date to pick up their son, whom they had left with another couple. The babysitting couple have a daughter who had been playing with the first couple's son. And... that's all I want to say, except that the short is darkly amusing.

Telos: "Wishmaker" (2:37)
Crypt TV Wiki; Facebook; YouTube

So there's this orb with an Eye of Horus on it. And this guy takes the orb out of its box and skeptically makes a wish, which immediately comes true. So he quickly starts making more wishes, but... well, the rather gory, horrific punchline of the short totally put me in mind of The Crunch Bird.

Tethers: "Invasion" (3:19)
Facebook; IMDb; YouTube

A woman gets separated from her friends at night out in the woods or whatever. A nearly dead man gives her a warning not to trust anyone. Then she finds her friends again. Then... some stuff happens that involves some first-rate special effects, like you'd expect from a big budget sci-fi/horror film. (Really, the quality of the monsters is the only reason I care about this short.)

This Little Piggy: "Got Your Nose" (2:03)
Facebook; IMDb; YouTube

A father plays "This Little Piggy" and then "Got Your Nose" with his young son, who is not amused. (I really don't care for this short. And I recommend you avoid it if you have emetophobia.)

Vampire: "Blood Drive" (3:19)
Crypt TV Wiki; Facebook; IMDb; YouTube

On Facebook this was originally called "Don't Donate Blood."

A man donates blood. It is consumed by a very nasty-looking vampire. The end.

Woman in the Book: "The Face" (0:36)
13th Floor; Crypt TV Wiki; Facebook; IMDb; YouTube

Creepy AF, with a very gory ending. I don't know what else to say. Originally released in 2016, and later by Crypt TV in 2017. In 2021, there's an animated series based on the short.

Crypt Monster Universe