I can't rate this with any consistency

Dark Horse Motion Comics, on YouTube / Geek & Sundry
G&S Wiki; IMDb; YouTube

So... as you know, Dark Horse is a comic book publisher. I want to mention that from July 2007 to August 2010, they had an online anthology series of comics on MySpace, called Dark Horse Presents, which I definitely enjoyed. Some of the comics that were originally presented there have since been released in actual physical comic book form, mainly as collected trade paperback volumes. But... this review isn't about that.

Starting in April 2012, Dark Horse has had an anthology series of motion comics on Geek & Sundry. They may be one-shot stories, or miniseries, each one featuring different titles from the publisher's lineup of regular comic books, such as Hellboy, Conan the Barbarian, the Goon, etc. A lot of them are titles & characters with which I was not previously familiar at all. And I should also say that sometimes the show tells a complete story (whether one-shot or miniseries), but other times it seems like they just begin a story and don't really finish it. Probably it's meant to get people interested in buying the titles in actual comic book form, which is understandable, even if it does tend to irk me just a little. In any case, my actual enjoyment of the motion comics may vary from week to week, so I don't feel like I can rate the series overall. I do enjoy the stories enough to keep watching, but even so, it's not a series of great interest to me, and I'm not sure I'd bother with it at all if it wasn't on Geek & Sundry. Still, it's kind of cool.

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