tek's rating: ¾

Diary of a Future President, on Disney+
Disney Wiki; IMDb; On Disney+; TV Tango; TV Tropes; Wikia; Wikipedia

This is about a 13-year-old Cuban-American girl named Elena Cañero-Reed, who we see at the start of the series will be President of the United States someday. In the present, she lives with her widowed mother, Gabi, and her older brother, Bobby. Gabi is dating a co-worker named Sam, who later moves in with them. Elena has a best friend named Sasha, and there are some other girls named Jessica and Melissa, who are more like enemies of Elena in season one, but become friends in season two. Bobby has a couple of friends, Liam and Danny. He eventually realizes he has a crush on Liam, but is afraid to tell him. He does, however, confide in Gabi's best friend, Camila, who is also gay. It's not until season two that he tells Elena, and later Gabi, that he is gay. In season two, he gets a crush on an older boy named CJ. Also in season two, Elena runs for student rep. And she sometimes has conversations with a sort of imaginary friend, who is her future self.

And... I'm not sure what else to say, except that season two ends on a cliffhanger, but the show got cancelled, so I suppose we'll never know how that turned out, which is disappointing. I never got super into the show, but I liked it well enough, and I wish it would have gotten another season.

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