tek's rating: ½

Palm Springs (R), on Hulu
IMDb; The Lonely Island; NEON; Rotten Tomatoes; TV Tropes; Wikipedia

Nyles (Andy Samberg) is attending a wedding in Palm Springs where his girlfriend, Misty, is a bridesmaid. There he meets Sarah (Cristin Milioti), the sister of the bride. On the night of the reception, Nyles and Sarah go out into the desert to have sex, but before they can, a guy named Roy (J.K. Simmons) shoots Nyles with arrows, and he crawls into a nearby cave to get away. Despite Nyles telling her not to follow him, Sarah follows him into the cave. They both wake up the next day, except it's the same day they just lived through, so there's a Groundhog Day situation going on. Sarah is freaked out about it, but it turns out Nyles has already been repeating the same day countless times. He didn't mean to get her involved, but by going into the cave, the time loop affected her, too. (Sometime in a previous repeat of the day, Nyles had gotten Roy caught in the time loop too, which is why he wants to take out his frustration on Nyles.) Sarah and Nyles go through the day many times, and I don't really feel like it's necessary to describe any of their experiences. But eventually Sarah goes off on her own to find a way to break the time loop. And she eventually does find a potential way, after a lot of studying, which I liked. She wants Nyles to exit the loop with her, but at first he doesn't want to, and he doesn't want her to leave, either, because by this time he's fallen in love with her.

And I guess that's all I want to say about the plot. A ton more stuff happens throughout the movie, of course. But I enjoyed all of it, including how it all ends. Plus there's a mid-credits scene that I liked. You might think the whole premise of the movie is too familiar to be interesting, but the movie manages to be really funny and charming in its own way. And I definitely enjoyed the chemistry between Nyles and Sarah.

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