tek's rating: ¼

Hold Your Breath (R), on Hulu
Bloody Disgusting; Dread Central; IMDb; Rotten Tomatoes; Searchlight; Wikipedia

This is a psychological horror movie, but the real horror doesn't quite start until the third act or so. It's set in 1933 Oklahoma. Sarah Paulson plays a woman named Margaret, whose husband, Henry, has gone east to find work, since the Dust Bowl destroyed their crops. She has a teenage daughter named Rose, a younger daughter named Ollie, and had another daughter named Ada, who died of scarlet fever. The disease also left Ollie deaf and mute. And Margaret has a sister named Esther, who has a couple of kids of her own, one of whom has pneumonia. Margaret has episodes of sleepwalking, as well as nightmares where she's caught in a dust storm. Rose reads a horror story called "The Grey Man" to Ollie, about a killer who can turn to dust and get into places through cracks, as well as getting inside people and making them do terrible things.

One day at a sewing circle, Margaret learns about a drifter who supposedly killed a family. Later, she discovers a man named Wallace in her barn. He claims to have been sent by Henry to check up on them, and while suspicious, Margaret eventually agrees to let him stay with them for awhile. But she eventually receives a letter from Henry that proves Wallace is not what he claimed, so she makes him leave. She's constantly worried that he will return, which exacerbates her sleeplessness and nightmares. She eventually descends into madness, believing Wallace is the Grey Man from the story.

And that's about all I want to reveal of the plot. But the scariest person in the movie is Margaret herself. I don't know what else to say, really. I guess I liked the movie well enough, especially the last third or so, when it really started getting scary. But parts of it were almost boring, early on. And I don't expect to find it particularly memorable. Still, I don't regret having watched it.

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