tek's rating: ½

Council of Geeks, on YouTube
Facebook; IMDb; Patreon; Wikitubia

This YouTube channel started in 2012, but I didn't discover it until 2022 (the first video I saw was one from 2020, A Celebration of Positive Masculinity in Entertainment). So I've been watching some of the videos, which began with skits featuring three geeky characters, one of whom was played by Nathaniel Wayne. The majority of the videos, however, are just Nathaniel doing reviews of movies and TV shows and stuff like that. I skip most of the videos either because I haven't seen the things being reviewed or because some of them don't interest me that much. But I do still watch a lot of them, especially videos about Doctor Who, Star Wars, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, animated films (in a segment called "Animation Junkie"), Gotham, etc. Sometimes totally random stuff. I don't always agree with absolutely everything Nathaniel has to say about the things they're reviewing, but I always appreciate their perspective. And I do agree with their opinions mostly, I guess. And reviews of things it's been awhile since I've seen make me want to re-watch those things. Occasionally, Nathaniel is joined in their reviews by a couple of guys named Ryan Daly and Paul Scavitto. And sometimes Nathaniel is joined by their partner, Liz.

In January of 2018, Nathaniel came out on the channel as genderfluid, and acknowledged having another YouTube channel where they're called Vera Wylde, and present as more feminine. I've watched maybe a few videos on that channel to help me get a better understanding of their gender identity, but I don't expect to watch much more of the channel, as I'm more interested in what they talk about on Council of Geeks. But I do appreciate knowing just a bit more about their experience. And in September 2020 they began using she/they pronouns, and presenting as Vera. And they started doing fairly regular videos about LGBTQ+ representation in media, in addition to the more frequent videos about various geeky topics.

In 2019, they launched another channel, Break Room of Geeks, which I started watching watching in September 2024, though I expect to watch less of it than I have done of the main channel. I'm just interested in like movie reviews, or whatever.

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