Season one * two * three

tek's rating: ¼
(Rating for the season collectively; some films I may like more or less than others.)

Bite Size Halloween, on Hulu / YouTube
Hulu; IMDb; YouTube

This is the second season of an anthology of horror short films, this time from 2021. Last year some of the films were also on YouTube; this year there's a mix of last year's shorts and this year's on the YouTube playlist, but not many of each.

Season two

Appendage (6:00)
Anna Zlokovic; Hulu; IMDb; YouTube
A young fashion designer pitches an idea to her boss (played by Eric Roberts), who shoots it down. Later that night, a small creature pushes its way out of her side and starts criticizing everything about her. It's really weird. But the next day she has a new idea to present to her boss.

Poppet (8:41)
Hulu; IMDb; Tommy Bertelsen; YouTube
A woman who makes puppets shows her latest work to... her ex-husband, I guess. Or maybe they're just separated. It doesn't matter. I don't want to reveal anything more about the film, but it's weird.

Omi (2:54)
Hulu; IMDb Kelly Fyffe-Marshall
A father takes his son out fishing, and I can't make any sense of what happens next.

Control (6:01)
Hulu; IMDb; Shal Ngo
This is about a woman who can't control the impulse to scratch a certain spot on her head, and what happens after doing so for a long time. I didn't like it. It's too freaky and too real.

Unicorn (14:13)
Hulu; IMDb; Matt Porter; YouTube
A man named Charles becomes a third sex partner for a couple named Bella and Larry. Their true intentions are horrific, but it becomes a comedy. I totally predicted how it would end, but I still liked it.

Kageboshi (5:12)
A man and his daughter are trapped by a creature called a kageboshi (Japanese for "shadow figure"). It wants to play "shadow tag", and the girl also wants to play, in the hope that if she wins, the kageboshi will let them go. But her father doesn't want her to play. I don't know what else to say, except that the film is reasonably creepy.

Occupational Hazard (7:44)
Hulu; IMDb; Ursula Ellis
A miner is exposed to some spooky green gas, and when she gets home... well, things get weird.

Daughters of Witches (11:41)
Hulu; IMDb; YouTube
A Mexican-American woman takes her new baby, Iris, to Mexico to meet her family and participate in a ritual in the woods. A spirit animal is supposed to approach Iris as she lies alone on the ground. And, I guess I didn't understand the ending, really.

The Longest Breath (2:25)
Hulu; IMDb; Victoria Rivera
A woman is training to hold her breath underwater at a pool that's about to close for the night. And things get weird.

Skincare (7:08)
Hulu; IMDb
A woman puts on a mask that's supposed to make her skin look younger, and then she can't get it off.

Struck (3:32)
Hulu; IMDb; Nichola Wong
A woman is out walking in the country when she starts hearing whispers. Then she gets struck by lightning, and something happens that I don't want to reveal. But I am intrigued by the ending, and wish I could see where the story goes from there.

Fountain (11:47)
Hulu; IMDb; Nik Fackler
Okay, so... a teenage boy takes a teenage girl to a strange building, where the girl finds something that looks like a BB or something. She puts the ball into a hole in her neck, and... things get weird. I don't want to say more than that.

The New Nanny (3:53)
Bridget Moloney; Hulu; IMDb
A witch gets a job as nanny to a young boy who dresses up as a princess. (I mean, I'm not sure if they're a boy who just likes playing princess or a trans girl.) They go to the park and encounter a bully, whom the nanny deals with. It's a fairly cute short.

Red Is the Color of Beauty (5:31)
Hulu; IMDb
A woman buys a necklace at a shopping mall, but a teenage girl (at least I think she was a teenager) is desperate to get it from her. And the woman is desperate to keep it. That's all I wanna say.

Freebirth (8:01)
Hulu; IMDb; Juan Avella
A woman named Alma is giving birth in a tent in the woods. When the pain gets too bad, she decides she wants to go to a hospital, but her girlfriend won't let her. Alma runs away until she finds another tent, and what happens next seems to me like a cross between Midsommar and "The Handmaid's Tale".

Bear Girl (2:28)
Chris Modoono; Hulu; IMDb
On Halloween night, a woman dressed as a bear comes to a man's door looking for candy. But she insists she is a bear. The man doesn't believe her. I don't know what else to say, but it's a fairly cute short. And apparently it's not the first short film about the man and Bear Girl, but that's not important.

Witch, Please (7:07)
Hulu; IMDb; Tracy Kleeman
Before a first date, a woman goes to a social media influencer for a makeover, and is given a supply of shakes to drink that make her beautiful. She has to drink a shake every morning at the same time to retain her beauty, but when things go well with the guy she starts dating, she eventually rethinks the shakes. And that turns out to be a really bad idea.

Uprooted (2:42)
Ann Marie Pace; Hulu; IMDb
A woman uses magic to revive a houseplant that her girlfriend (or wife?) had allowed to die. The plant seeks revenge. It's kind of a cute short.

Rebecca (7:42)
Carlton Daniel Jr.; Hulu; IMDb
A man named Cooper is on a date at his house with a woman named Rebecca. They're watching "Night of the Living Dead", and he tries to explain why it's a classic, but she isn't really interested. And soon... well, Cooper has reason to fear her. So he calls his friend Chelsea to come over and help him. That's all I want to say, but it's an interesting and scary film on a couple of levels.

Season three

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