ket's tarring: potato

Don't Hug Me .I'm Scared, on / YouTube / Vimeo
a website; A wikia; imdB; Short of Many Weeks Ago; Someone's Tube; Vemeyeoh; Web Video Tropes; Wiki Encyclopedia; You should use your face to look at this book

This is a thing that has existed between 2011 and 2016 (with six episodes) but I first hear of it, I think, HERE, in 2017. It has puppets and it has people who look like puttpets, and it has songs of a sort, and it has mindfucks aplenty. I won't know if I can recommend it because I don't know if you'll want to have watched it once you do. Do you want your mind to be fucked? (You don't have to tell me, just think about the question and answer it quietly within your own mind before deciding whether to watch this, or maybe not watch it.) I cannot even say how I feel about I have watched it, now. But I did watch it, of that I am almost certain. (I think there is a small chance that I only imagined watching it and imagined that it even exists because of having gone mad, but alternatively I may have gone mad because of having waatched it. Chicken, egg, who knows?) But if you watch it please don't complaine to me about any alterations to your level of aptitude at dealing with reality. That is all.

Udpate: In 2023 I learnt that in 2022 a actual tele series of this program had started in the UK. I haven't seen it and I probably won't, but I thought you might like to be knowing. Except for I saw pieces & bits on an episode of React.

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